3 Crucial Steps in Your Business Plan

When you start a business for the first time, it is important that you get things right so that your business has a good chance of being successful. Everyone makes mistakes, but you need to prepare from the start with a business plan.

There are many steps to consider when setting up a small business for the first time from creating your business plan to investing in a strategy for growth. Keep reading to learn about the crucial steps you need to get ahead of the game and increase opportunities for success in your business.

Step 1: Build a Foundation

Starting to build a solid foundation is one of the first tasks you need to do to ensure that your business development has a plan. You should do the following things first when getting started:


Market research can give you an idea of how well your nice market is doing and what chances you have of establishing yourself as unique to your target audience. It is also a great way to measure the demand and capacity for what you can bring to your business. Your market research is a good thing to include in your business plan so that you can justify the demand and validation for your company.

Create a Business Name

After conducting your market research, you need to come up with a business name. You need to also determine if your business will be a sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC, or corporation. Once you have that figured out you can register the name of your business with your local government.

You will need to gather specific documents to submit as well as legal requirements to make the name of your business official. Part of the process is to register for an EIN with the IRS (if you are located in the United States). You also need to make sure you have the correct permits and business licenses before you start selling your products or services.

Open a Bank Account

After your business name has been registered properly, you should make a bank account in the name of your company. Make sure you do not use your personal bank account for business expenses because that can affect your credit history and credit score. Having a business bank account is the best way to manage your sales and expenses. Perhaps you can consider hiring an accountant to help you get things going in the right direction.

Step 2: Marketing

When you have established your business, it is time to start being visible to the public. Marketing is a powerful way to get customers rolling in, but it takes a lot of work to get there.

Build a Brand

You need to figure out what your brand will be including the tone, style, personality, and more. Your brand should be something that people can easily identify. This will help you attract new leads and make your business more memorable.

Build a Website

No matter what your business is, you need to have a website in this day and age. Your website is one of the most important front-facing components of your business.

Your social media presence is just as important as well. Social media is a marketing tool that is powerful because you can advertise your company for free. It is also the fastest way it can reach many people. Consumers like to see your social media to make sure you are actually engaging and interacting with people.

Step 3: Develop a Marketing Strategy


After you have completed the steps above, it is time to develop a full marketing strategy to continue your marketing efforts into the future. In order to be successful, you need to ask your loyal customers for help because their input will go a long way.

You also want to consider what channels you want to start with such as SEO, PPC, or Paid Social Advertising. You can also ask customers to opt-in your email subscriptions or make them part of your marketing efforts. You can provide them with an incentive such a discount so that they leave a review online. Most consumers look at customer reviews before committing to a purchase so reviews can help in a big way.


When you have finished the basics of your small business planning, you are now in the phase of establishing yourself as a growing company. The following steps will help you get there.

Team Organization

Having the right team can help you run your business smoothly and effectively. Consider hiring an accountant to help you keep track of finances and let you know where you can make some changes if needed. Also, a marketing expert can be beneficial to keep track of metrics and campaigns.


Running a business takes more than just yourself, especially if you sell products that require manufacturing through a different company or buy in bulk. Having a good relationship with vendors is key to have long-term business deals.


Focus on your goals and your mission without losing sight of your company’s foundation. It might help set a five-year plan to help you stay true to your course in order to achieve your goals.

The Bottom Line

When you are a new business owner, it can be overwhelming to build the company from scratch, but this guide will help you establish the basic needs of your business. Starting with a solid business plan and working your way up will help your company be successful and grow.